The New Zealand Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Association [NZCTWA] is a Ministry Of Health (MOH) recognised Self - Regulating trade group devoted to protecting public safety by ensuring teeth whitening practitioners are professionally trained, Certified and regulated

 It is a non-profit Association

 Dealing with an NZCTWA Registered Teeth Whitening Practitioner displaying NZCTWA Certification is the public assurance that they are dealing with a trained, qualified, and safe Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioner or vendor who takes pride in the quality of their service and care

Welcome to the NZCTWA

It has come to the attention of the NZCTWA that some people have been fraudulently claiming to be NZCTWA Trainers, even going as far as using NZCTWA logos on their bogus Certificates.

This is fraud and a breach of NZCTWA copyright. The bogus certificates are worthless.

Therefore, BEWARE.
To meet the requirements of becoming a respected NZCTWA Registered Practitioner, only a NZCTWA approved training course can qualify you. 

Please do NOT pay money for training from anyone claiming to be a NZCTWA trainer.

Any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please contact

About the NZCTWA
Founded in 2010, the New Zealand Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Association (NZCTWA) is the recognised Self – Regulating trade group devoted to the Professional Development, Education and Ethical Standards of the fast growing Independent Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Industry

NZCTWA Members Represent 3 Professional Groups:
1. Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioners of the Beauty & Appearance Enhancement Industry
2. Manufacturers, Distributors and Suppliers of Over-The-Counter [OTC] Teeth Whitening products sold for
unsupervised consumer use
3. Manufacturers, Distributors and Suppliers of Teeth Whitening Systems for professional use

We support our members and ensure that they comply with the NZCTWA Code of Professional Conduct and Practise. Working together, NZCTWA members improve information availability, professional training and high safety standards for the Industry, foster innovation and the future directions of our industry

The Association’s mission is to not only protect public safety, but also to guard consumers from ignorance, unskilfulness, unscrupulousness, deception and fraud, and it does so by regulating members throughout New Zealand by setting high professional standards of Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practise and Conduct

Therefore, the NZCTWA Association’s role is…


  • Maintaining a Code of Professional Conduct for the Independent Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Industry
  • Ensuring the quality of Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Education and Training
  • Providing Practitioner Registration and Training Certification for Members
  • Keeping member Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioners of the Beauty & Appearance Enhancement Industry up to date with global best practice
  • Keeping members up to date with new Cosmetic Teeth Whitening, innovations, applications, and developments
  • Being at the forefront of any Regulation changes that affect members
  • Balancing Public Perception
  • Working together with Others – The NZCTWA unswervingly adheres to the pathway of working with others in the cosmetic teeth whitening sector
    Our goal is to build friendships & partnerships with all professionals who provide cosmetic teeth whitening products and services
  • Keeping the Public and Governmental Administrators up to date with our industry Media Releases

The Association’s members as individuals and in their commercial capacity have a responsibility to ensure that the functions of the Association are effectively discharged lawfully in the interests of the public and public safety

The New Zealand Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Association [NZCTWA] sources international best-practice knowledge, innovation, resources, and training through members who operate with the entire professional support of the Dentists, Chemists & Global Teeth Whitening experts of some of the World’s foremost Teeth Whitening authorities

In New Zealand, the NZ Governments Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) (formerly ERMA) has established Public Safety Standards for the Cosmetic Teeth Whitening products suppliers and practitioners of our industry
- see NZCTWA media release and full ERMA Public Safety Rules.
- New Zealand Law


The New Zealand Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Association [NZCTWA] is a recognised Self – Regulating trade group devoted to protecting public safety

Dealing with an NZCTWA Registered Teeth Whitening Practitioner displaying NZCTWA Certification is your assurance that you’re dealing with a trained, qualified, and safe Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Practitioner or vendor who takes pride in the quality of their service and care